
2024 Pico Ski Club Swap & Sale - October 4 to October 6

If you plan on selling items at the Swap this year (2024), you will need to either:

  1. Set up a new account if you are a new Consignor and have not consigned items with us.

  2. Access your existing account if you were a Consignor with us in the last 3 years.

(Instructions for both below)

  Please enter your consignment items online prior to dropping your items off.  

After Thursday October 3, all consignments and registrations need to be performed at Pico and the process will be more time-consuming.  We much prefer you do this prior to arriving.

Pico Ski Club will accept consignments of gently used, clean ski, snowboard and winter athletic clothing (no street clothing please), and modern alpine and snowboard equipment for the 2024 Swap & Sale, October 4  to October 6.  Backcountry, telemark and skinning skis accepted, but not traditional cross-country skis. All equipment must meet current safety standards for the Swap & Sale. 

Once you complete the online Swap Registration process and enter your items for sale at the swap, please take your items to the Swap during the consignment Drop Off Times. A Swap Volunteer will check in your items and print price tag labels and inventory list (please do this prior to arriving, if you are able)  to attach to your items. Please see below for instructions as to how to print your tags at home.


Consignor Details:


  • Consignment is open for anyone interested in selling related items at the Swap & Sale.  You do not need to be a Club Member.
  • Pico Ski Club, hereinafter referred to as the Club, including its authorized agents, reserves the right to reject any item on the basis of saleability, price, or appropriateness to the ski/snowboard sale theme.
  • The Club is not responsible for any articles left at the sale after 1 p.m. on the final day of the sale. All articles left after that time become the property of the Club and will be subject to a $10.00 per item Handling/Disposal fee.
  • The Club’s commission is the appropriate percentage – 20% for Pico Ski Club members, 20% for Ski Shops, and 30% for non-Club members – of the gross sale price.  The consignee receives the balance, minus any fees for non-picked up items. This percentage will be reconciled at the end of the sale, and will not be reflected in your Consignor Reports during the sale.
  • Sunday Discount (Optional)- You will have the option when entering your items to choose to discount the item on Sunday or not.  It will be a flat 30% discount from the original price entered.  If you do not choose this option on your item, it will not sell discounted.  You can pick and choose which items you would like this to apply to, if any.
  • The ability to enter your items into the swap/sale at home will be available until Thursday, October 3 at 11:59pm.  After this time, only on-site registrations and item entry will occur.  Please save yourself time by preparing and doing this at home. 
  • Print your own tags for the items.  We'll have instructions on how we need them attached if you would like to do this at home, or you can bring them with you during a drop-off time and use materials we will have available to attach.
    • Note regarding printing tags.  For items such as skis, ski boots, poles, etc. (any item that is a pair), we ask that you print two tags - one for each item - so that each can be physically tagged/labeled.

    • Avery 5160 Labels - Use this adhesive label stock to print your labels.
  • Payment for Consignors.  At drop-off you will be asked which method of payment you would like for your sold items. You can choose Paypal or Check (US Mail). We highly suggest using Paypal as the method to receive your funds, as the settlement will be much quicker. You'll need to provide your Paypal email address if choosing this method.

Important Links & Instructions - PLEASE FOLLOW

  1. New Consignor Registration   Set up a new account and start adding your items to your account.
  1. Existing (from prior years) Consignor Homepage - Follow these instructions: 
  • 1. Each consignor will need to log in and ‘register’ for the new sale.
  • Activities Menu
  • ‘Register for our upcoming sale’
  • Click the checkbox to register, then review your account info.  Follow appropriate buttons.
  • 2. You can then use the inventory functions.  Unsold items from last year will be shown here.
  • This is your opportunity to review the items that you have on hand from last year, and move them to the 2022 sale.
  • All inventory from prior sale is now ‘inactive’.  
  • You can delete items you may no longer have.
  • You can make one or all items ‘active’ again, and it will become part of the 2023 sale.  Please be diligent when reviewing and be sure the item you are making active is actually on hand.
    • If there are NO changes to the item (no price change, discount, etc), then the existing price tag label will work.
    • If you edit an item and make changes (including the price, discount, donate, etc,) then the price tag will need to be reprinted.  The item will then be marked as tag not yet printed.
  • DONATE ITEMS:  Special attention required.
    • All items marked for donation from the prior sales have been cleared from your inventory.  Whether they were actually donated or not (Not meaning you still have possession of the item.)
    • If you physically have an item with a label from a prior sale, marked with the donate flag “D”, this label will not work with the 2022 sale (as it is no longer in your inventory).  If you plan to try to sell it again, you need to enter it as a new item.
    • Donate flag in MySaleManager looks like this:
    • Additionally, prior year’s tags have a mark MMYY (ie. 0921) on it, signifying it was created/printed last year.   Current tags will have XX22.  This is a good way to know at a glance when the tag was printed.

Item Entry & Tag Printing 

Printing Tags for your items:

  1. In your Consignor Homepage, under the activities menu, choose ‘Work with Consigned Inventory.’ (or use the direct link above)
  2. Choose Print Tags.  You have a choice to print all, or select the ones you want to print. 
  3. It is recommended to print to PDF if you are having problems printing from your browser.
  4. Laser printers are recommended for a clearer barcode.  If printing from an inkjet, be sure the resulting tags are nice and clear for our scanners to read.
  5. Use plain paper (which we will then cut and tape onto tags) OR Avery 5160 labels (preferred). The software program does not customize for smaller stick-on labels. Avoid cardstock. We will have to cut and tape your labels to cardstock tags anyway, so don’t waste money printing on cardstock.
    • To get to the option for Avery 5160, the tags must be printed from the 'print selected tags' choice from the 'print tags' on the main menu of the Consignor Homepage.
      • There is an option/checkbox to Generate Tags on Avery label that must be checked.  Print in PDF can also be checked.
      • Then, from Tag Printing Options, there are choices within to print tags which now should result in printing on the 5160 size.
      • Be sure to allow popups if the browser blocks the tags from popping open.
  6. If not using labels, bring plain paper printed tags to consignment check-in. We will have a station where you can cut your pages of printed tags and tape them to cardstock tags that we will attach to clothing, boots, poles, and accessories (with wire). We will tape the tags directly onto skis using clear packaging tape that is not creased. Barcodes must be readable.
  7. IMPORTANT: Please print a final report of your items from your Consignor Homepage.  Bring this with you to drop off and leave it with us.
  •     a. Click Activities Menu, then Work with Consigned Inventory
  •     b. Choose Inventory Reports 


Additional tips >>> PLEASE READ!

  • Don't print too dark - it is better to print a little light than too dark. Don't print on the "High Quality" setting, print on the normal setting. This is especially true for inkjet printers. Some cardstock papers can "soak up" the ink when it is sprayed too dark, causing the edges of the barcode to be fuzzy and not scan. The edges of each barcode need to be crisp.
  • Don't use designer cardstock - Designer cardstock that is "fibrous" can soak up ink from an inkjet and cause the edges of a barcode to be fuzzy. If you insist on using cardstock, choose a standard dense cardstock. Avoid cardstock with a "slick" surface, as it can cause ink to smudge.
  • Align your print cartridges - printer cartridges in inkjet printers can get out of alignment, especially when you change cartridges. This can cause the edge of the barcode not to be clean and straight. There should be a utility that came with your printer software that allows you to align the print cartridges.
  • Don't "scale" the printing - when actually printing the barcodes/tags, do not adjust the scaling on the page. Print at 100%. The "shrink to fit" option or changing the page scale to something other than 100% can change the size of the barcode, which adjusts the "gaps" between the dark bars and can cause the barcode to be unscannable.
  • Print to .pdf format - To counter problems with the format of the tag, try printing the tags in .pdf format to help standardize the formatting across browsers.